
The online archive presents the estate of Ester Krumbachová (1923–1996), a crucial figure of the Czech New Wave, costume designer, screenwriter, director, and artist, who worked mainly for film and theatre. The archive has been created on the basis of research into the author's interdisciplinary body of work, till now unexamined, and unfolds continuously in connection with projects interpreting the estate.


Zuzana Blochová, Habima Fuchs

Design and programming:
Tomáš Celizna

Edith Jeřábková

Biographical data:
Michal Činátl

Guy Tabachnick

The project is realized in collaboration with the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague and Are | are-events.org and with the support of the Czech Science Foundation GAČR (18-22139S), Prague City Hall, the Ministry of Culture Czech Republic, the State Fund of Culture of the Czech Republic, Foundation for Contemporary Arts Prague, and the Arts and Theatre Institute.

The Ester Krumbachová Archive was supported in 2024 by the European Union – Next Generation EU, the Czech Recovery Plan, the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.