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Ester Krumbachová
Text k válečné písni „Flandern in Not” pro film "Kladivo na čarodejnice"
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Archiv Ester Krumbachové


Lyrics for the war song “Flandern in Not”for the film WITCHHAMMEREster Krumbachová

Like a black cloudthe Reaper rides from town to town (the Reaper goes from town to town) the Reaper rides from town to town ( -"- )The Reaper rides upon his hunchbacked horseand on that horse do bones ring out its courseits mane its mane waves moldy as the rain (shaggy in the rain) the bones, oh, the bones, oh,he feeds us on the bones, ohLike a black cloud the Reaper rides from town to townthe Reaper rides from town to townand blood and blood, no coffins, only mudthe fields, oh, the fields, ohwith blood he feeds the fields, ohNo, we don’t carehe rides and all his teeth he bareswith teeth he rides upon his big black horseand on that horse do bones ring out its coursehis order his order, it brings in every soldierhis scythe of death swings growing ever colderand the black guest gnaws on the white bone to the lastgnaws on the white bone to the lastand the black guest gnaws on bones to the lastthe bones, oh, the bones, oh, he feeds us on the bones, ohNo, we don’t care he rides and all his teeth he bares he rides and all his teeth he bares