Catalog No
Ester Krumbachová
Směrnice pro pečovatele zoo a botanické u ESTER.
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Archiv Ester Krumbachové


Guidelines for caretakers of ESTER’s zoo and botanical gardens

1) If a turtle appears, heat it up with the radiator (vitamin E) As soon as the turtle leaves, turn it off or don’t. But in any case though turn it off when leaving

2.) If the turtles express interest in the wooden board, give them lettuce or grated carrot. If they leave it, toss it.3.)Cats: always look to see if the litter boxes in the apartment are wet. Clean them out into the toilet, wash under the sink with hot or cold water, put a bundle of absorbent pulp into the box and pour in a bit of sand in the round vesselTerrace litter boxes: if under the bench under the kitchen window something that they did shows up in one of the boxes, toss it into the bucket with a closed cover, put in new paper. The paper is in the cabinet under the kitchen window.If a robust turd appears on the ground on the terrace, please pick it up with paper and throw it into the litter box or the bucket with the lid.Cats: Food.The cats have meat cut up in the refrigerator. Take the meat out and place it flat – pressed flat with your fingers – into hot but not boiling water. When the meat warms up, place it into bowls from the bag. Pour the milk into a little bowl and warmed up directly in the bowl in the red container with hot water.Don’t be frightened if the blankets move: it’s Alfa or Aranka. Warning! Aranka likes to climb into the shoe rack in the kitchen and the cabinet behind the doors of the entrance hall. She often hides there and then doesn’t meow even when she’s been stuck there for a long time. So please always check to make sure she’s not closed up somewhere before leaving and going to sleep.Alfa: The pills in the box among the groceries labelled SANAL and below that CAT with a painted cat head in the middle. Alfa gets 1 of those pills daily every morning before breakfast and every evening before dinner. So if she’s going to sit and look pained. she’s trying to scrounge a pill, it’s best to forget about it.__4. Doors: all the doors are to stay slightly open, but always with a little rubber animal placed between them so that a sudden gust of wind doesn’t slam the doors shut and hurt the animals. For the same reason: don’t leave e.g. the metal folding chair leaning freely against the wall. Always place it on the ground instead, but don’t lean anything on the wall by itself, once this led to an injured paw.5.) Plants: don’t forget about the plants of the home, the staghorn fern hanging over the table drinks a lot, water it with the small red watering can. The state of wetness of the soil on the terrace must be checked and adjusted, mainly wind or excessive heat dries out the soil.UPON ENTERING THE APARTMENT, MAKE SURE THAT ALFA HASN’T ESCAPED INTO THE HALLWAY. SHE’S AFRAID OF THE JANGLING OF KEYS AND QUICKLY DASHES OUT OF THE APARTMENT. IF SHE’S LEFT IN THE HALLWAY, SHE’LL LOOK AROUND AND MIGHT PANIC AND COULD GET INJURED.