Catalog No
Ester Krumbachová
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Archiv Ester Krumbachové


Esej o budoucnosti filmu.


Page no. 11I have often read or heard about some “intersection of history” and I’ve never really known what that is. And suddenly – without even knowing how – I realized that right now I’m in one of those intersections of history, because I see films as one of the most beautiful and also one of the most strenuous arts and I lived through both the rise and fall of film as an artistic activity.So now I’m intersectioning on to the Simpsons and other tribal relations under the heading that it’s film. People walk up the stairs or the opposite, there’s laughter, there are funerals, baptisms, weddings, and psychological truths without a choice or an opinion on some topic and there are also prolapsed human innards and speeding cars and running rashly through all this mess is Love itself as an ornament for society.All of these projects were cut out by the genius executioner axes of the human spirit in the age of computers, which calculated precisely the spirit of the poor, and producers dedicated things to them, they’re filming exclusively for them and only later – once they’ve fed enough to the maws of mammoth film stars – do they enter into the kingdom of heaven with a special gilded staircase labelled “Class 1 A”, observed by film producers and directors.During the New Wave era, a famous, highly successful foreign producer sent me a letter through his agent from which I was supposed to pick up predetermined guidelines for writing a script that he wanted to order from me. It was fantastic. Unfortunately, I lost it somewhere and I’ll never stop regretting it, it was a real delicacy, it had written down how much a let’s say type 5 film, should have of sex, violence, natural beauty, exclusivity, poverty, public enterprises, and mostly this Love.So I turned down this generous financial offer and they got mad and told me, informed me, that I was an idealist, but I don’t know what the word means, it reminds me of some label badly stuck onto a bottle, where the bottle should have something other than what it does and the label is there as a warning that what’s inside isn’t what one would think would be in there.Quite enough money is spent on Films and filming. The films of the New Wave were not all expensive, The Party and the Guests was the cheapest film in the history of Czechoslovak cinematography. But in a different way – back then we also didn’t rea [...]